get that cyber 5 [HST]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tempest Quinn
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 14:18:05 GMT
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After having a super cool and homoerotic wrestling match with his best bro , Temp was kind of interested in another super tense and cool battle.

Only this one wouldn't be a pokemon battle. It wouldn't be a cool fistfight, either.

It was an eating contest.

So, like, it was free food and Temp needed to carboload for a strength workout later. It was pretty much perfect. He even got to get one of his pokemon in on it!

It turns out that for some reason only him and one other guy had signed up. Some guy? Was it because of all the Charja-Cola merch sitting around?

Either way, him and Skipper, his Smeargle, were ready to eat.
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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 23:18:32 GMT
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Zac was ready. He'd had lots of practice with eating contests today and was ready to get stuck into it again. Unfortunately, this tent didn't do watermelon or ice cream. Instead, they had a strange specialty. Zac wasn't worried though. Between him and Tapu Bulu they were gonna eat everything

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
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6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tempest Quinn
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 10:28:13 GMT
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Sailor was making a cute little show of tucking his napkin under his chin when Temp finally noticed the other guy and...

"Woah! That's a cool cow!"

Temp had no idea who was, what Tapu Bulu was, or anything else for that matter. Comically, a large advertisement for Charja-Cola was right behind him showcasing Zac's smiling face.

When the first helping of pasta was served, the noodles were shaped like Zac and Tapu Bulu. Temp, somehow, didn't notice this either.

The pasta had been cooked in a mixture of water and Charja-Cola, so it would have the mild taste of Passho+ with each bite. The sauce was simple, garlic and butter. Little overcooked shrimp were curled up tightly on top.

Temp started to eat.

This wasn't a speed eating contest, just endurance, so he took his time.

"You're real tall, dude. Do you workout?"
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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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Zac Ramsay
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 12:10:35 GMT
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"Yeah! It is, isn't it!" Zac said, finding no small comfort in the enthusiastic tone of his new friend. Sometimes Zac worried that Tapu Bulu's reputation wouldn't recover from the rampage at the Vital Sprit festival, but moments like this gave him gleams of hope.

Zac got stuck into the pasta. It was good. The taste was subtle, like a lemon that had been lightly sent to space. "Oh man, they really outdid themselves!" Zac said, savoring the flavor. He picked out one of the noodles and stuck it in Bulu's mouth. The Bull started to chew, slowly sucking down the thickly sauced pasta. "Not unless you count lifting people's spirits! I'm pretty outdoorsy though. What about yourself?"

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tempest Quinn
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 6:49:17 GMT
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"Hey, dude, hell yeah that counts!" He reached over the table to give the offer of a high five.

"I work at the gym down the beach! Slateport Burnout. Like, being outside and in nature is really rad... I usually do my workouts with my clients on the beach!" Plus, Temp just had a lot of respect for nature. He had grown up in Pacifidlog, after all. It was pretty much all nature out there in their cobbled together floating community.

The Smeargle got a wobbly forkful of pasta. He waved to Tapu Bulu as he chewed. Sailor was very friendly.
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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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Zac Ramsay
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 15:39:03 GMT
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"I've heard of that place!" Zac said, "It's been getting super popular lately, right?" He took another forkful of the citrus pasta and met Temp's high five. Their strong hands slapped together satisfyingly. "I'll have to check it out some time. Are you there all the time?"

The waiter brought out a small side salad, and he tried that next. It was fresh, spicy, and a little musky. The Kyle Krush vinaigrette really pulled it together. 

Tapu Bulu didn't see the waiving Sailor. It was too focussed on sucking down the long, long strand of pasta. 

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tempest Quinn
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 16:34:01 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
"It has! Makes it real busy but I like it! I love helping people with their health journey, bro!" The meaty slap would solidify their friendship. They were, like, best friends now. That was really all it took for Temp.

The salad was crunched down with gusto, as if he didn't even stop to taste it. Vegetables (and fruits) were his favorite, so only a few bits of dressing were left at the bottom before he went back to his pasta.

Sailor ate the last shrimp and another bowl of pasta was brought out. This one in a spicy Adult flavored sauce.

"I'm there five days a week! My off days are Sunday and Monday. You should sign up, dude! Just as for 'Temp'!"

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 17:18:46 GMT
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"You can bet I will!" Zac said, meaning it wholeheartedly. How could he turn down an invitation from his newest, bestest friend? They were practically brothers now! They both liked exercise, and Pokemon and what have you. For Zac that was all it took. Honestly, he'd settle for less. But with Temp he didn't have to.

Zac tucked into the next pasta, eyebrows raising at the spicy kick of the R18+ flavor. "Whoa! What's in this one?" he asked, sucking down more. Bulu shoved its face into the bowl, biting out a huge chunk of the pasta.

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tempest Quinn
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 19:13:01 GMT
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"Oh dude, no idea. I just signed up for the free grub!" A small laugh left him as he crammed in another forkful of pasta. It had a good kick!

"You know what the prize for this is anyway, dude?" Since they were technically have a contest and all.

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 0:01:22 GMT
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"Yeah it's 10,000pd, and 5 nights at the Bevaridge Resort, the Charja-Cola themed hot springs in Lavaridge," Zac said. He was well aware of the grand prize, having set up the eating contest himself. 

The adult pasta was paired with a wine glass full of Charja-Cola After Dark. There was a little umbrella in the glass, as well as a lemon wedge on the rim, and Zac was sure he could see a combination of olives and cherries rolling around at the bottom of the glass. The rum in the drink really brought out the heat of the noodles. Zac started to sweat.

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tempest Quinn
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 2:18:02 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
At this, Temp gave pause.

His thoughts strayed to .

"For one or two people?"

There was a new fire in his eyes, particularly at the possibility of it being for two people. His friend really needed to relax.

Sailor paused in his eating before sighing and shaking his head. He reached over to tap one of Temp's pokeballs, calling out a pudgy and young looking Riolu. It started to shovel food in it's mouth with a Metal Claw to avoid the heat.
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The Robust
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Bevaridge Town
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Zac Ramsay
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 2:56:41 GMT
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"For three people, actually," Zac said with his mouth half-full. "That's the best way to hang out with your mates, right? Just a few buds spending some quality time in a hot spring."

Zac went for another forkful of the craveable pasta, but Bulu butted him out of the way, taking the whole plate for itself. "Hey! Get out of it mate!" Zac said, as the legendary slurped up the last of the noodles. It turned its sights onto Riolu's pasta, and stormed over to get its next course.

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tempest Quinn
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 3:30:58 GMT
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"Do you have to take all three?" Did he know another person? Maybe ... but that would be kind of weird. Plus he was pretty sure the Head Scientist wanted to gut him sometimes.

When Skipper was about to have his food taken, he gasped in offense and stoop up on the table and BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK in the bull's face. A Force Palm was used in an effort to push it away from his food.
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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
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See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 4:05:21 GMT
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"You don't have to, but it would make the mud massage train a bit short," Zac said, figuring out the logistics. "I could maybe talk to the hotel and get-" Bulu reeled back from the FORCE PALM, only to come roaring back with a MEGAHORN that sent the whole table tumblimg across the sand. Something in the pasta had awoken Bulu's hunger. The citrus? The seafood? The basil? Whatever it was, Bulu was furious.

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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
get that cyber 5 [HST]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 4:26:26 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
"I have a friend who needs a- Woah!" Temp barely got up in enough time to not be sent flying along with the table. Skipper wasn't so lucky, much smaller and also a baby. He wasn't one to take this laying down though.

Skipper lifted up the soiled pasta in hand like a solider cradling his fallen battle buddy.

Rage surged in Skipper, making him leap at the legend with a Blaze Kick.
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